23 November 2015

Hey everyone!

I’m very glad to announce that we’ve just released the version 0.6.1, which includes a re-write that Luis started a while ago. It’s been a long time since we’ve released something, but this has been through voting, and went through!

Breaking Change

Note that this version requires a minimum Dart SDK version of 1.13.0. This is due to the new Boring SSL update in the SDK. Please note that more breaking changes were introduced since v0.5, these are listed in the CHANGELOG. Documentation pages have been updated accordingly.

Many users have confirmed using the version 0.6.0-beta in production and things went fine. If you end up having problems with this release, please file an issue at our GitHub page. We’ll be glad to help you and improve Redstone.dart.

As a side note, I would like to thank everyone who contributed, Redstone.dart is now community-driven. Your input and contributions are more than welcome!


14 October 2014

Today I’ve got some time to play with the new cedar-14 stack and the Dart buildpack, and I’m impressed on how easy it is now to deploy Dart apps on Heroku.


26 August 2014

A new Redstone.dart plugin is available on pub: redstone_web_socket.


18 July 2014

One of the questions I get most often is how to implement security constraints with Redstone.dart. Some time ago, I’ve published a simple example that illustrates how the Redstone.dart API can be used to implement authentication and authorization. In this post, I’ll explain this example in details.


14 July 2014

Accessing a database is problably the most common task of any web application. Nevertheless, a poor database connection management is also one of the most common source of problems you can find in a server, like slowness, freezes and crashs. In this post, I’ll show some techiniques you can use to properly manage database connections using Redstone.dart.


10 July 2014

Hey everyone! Welcome to the new Redstone.dart blog :)

Recently, I’ve received a lot of feedback and questions about Redstone through many different channels, such as github, google plus, hangouts, e-mail and so on. It’s really cool to see other developers excited about this project, but I’ve just realized that we need a proper place to discuss about it.

So, to fix this issue, I’ve created a mailing list for us:


If you have questions, or want to give some feedback about the project, don’t hesitate to join the group and send us a message. Although, if you find a bug, or want to contribute some code, please file an issue at our GitHub page.
