
To bind a function with an URL, just use the @Route annotation

helloWorld() => "Hello, World!";

Redstone.dart will serialize the returned value for you. So, if your function returns a List or a Map, the client receives a JSON object:

getUser(String id) => {"name": "User", "login": "user"};

If your function depends on async operations, you can also return a Future

service() => doSomeAsyncOperation().then((_) => {"success": true});

You can easily bind path segments and query parameters

findUsers(String type, @app.QueryParam() String name) {
  // ...

You can also bind the request body

@app.Route("/user/add", methods: const [app.POST])
addUser(@app.Body(app.JSON) Map user) {
  // ...

It’s also possible to access the current request object

@app.Route("/service", methods: const [app.GET, app.POST])
service() {
  if (app.request.method == app.GET) {
    // ...
  } else if (app.request.method == app.POST) {
    if (app.request.bodyType == app.JSON) {
      var json = app.request.body;
      // ...
    } else {
      // ...


Interceptors are useful when you need to apply a common behavior to a group of targets (functions or static content). For example, you can create an interceptor to apply a security constraint or to manage a resource

adminFilter() {
  if (app.request.session["username"] != null) {
  } else {
    return app.chain.abort(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
    //or app.chain.redirect("/login.html");
dbConnInterceptor() async {
  var conn = new DbConn();
  app.request.attributes["dbConn"] = conn;
  var response = await;
  await conn.close()
  return response;

find(@app.Attr() dbConn) {
  // ...

Error Handlers

Use the @ErrorHandler annotation to register error handlers.

handleNotFoundError() => app.redirect("/error/not_found.html");
handleServerError() {
  return new shelf.Response.internalServerError(body: "Server Error.");


You can use classes to group routes, interceptors and error handlers

class UserService {
  findUser(@app.QueryParam("n") String name,
           @app.QueryParam("c") String city) {
    // ...

  @app.Route("/add", methods: const [app.POST])
  addUser(@app.Body(app.JSON) Map json) {
    // ...

Dependency Injection

Register one or more modules before calling app.start()

import 'package:redstone/redstone.dart' as app;
import 'package:di/di.dart';

main() {
  app.addModule(new Module()


Source code

Routes, interceptors, error handlers and groups can require dependencies

service(@app.Inject() ClassA objA) {
 // ...
interceptor(ClassA objA, ClassB objB) {
  // ...
notFound(ClassB objB) {
  // ...
class Group {
  ClassA objA;
  Group(ClassA this.objA);
  service() {
    // ...

Unit tests

You can easily create mock requests to test your server

library services;

import 'package:redstone/redstone.dart' as app;

helloUser(String username) => "hello, $username";

Source code

import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:redstone/redstone.dart' as app;
import 'package:your_package_name/services.dart';

main() {
  // Load handlers in 'services' library
  setUp(() => app.redstoneSetUp([#services]));

  // Remove all loaded handlers
  tearDown(() => app.redstoneTearDown());

  test("hello service", () {
    // Create a mock request
    var req = new app.MockRequest("/user/luiz");
    // Dispatch the request
    return app.dispatch(req).then((resp) {
      // Verify the response
      expect(resp.statusCode, equals(200));
      expect(resp.mockContent, equals("hello, luiz"));

Source code